
Last Day Before School Entry - 11.09.23 -

Hi! My school starts tomorrow. This will be a very busy year, cause it is the last one! Yippie! Anyway, I was busy with homework before the school started. So nothing new. I watched two movies yesterday: Bridget Jones Diary and Jennifers Body. It was a fun night. I have so many movies in my to be watched list. Maybe I should add a link here to my letterboxd account. I will add a links page.

Do you guys ever think about what would others think of you if you were a fictional character? I wonder, if I was a book character, how would people judge me, or if they will like me or hate me. Once I talked about it with my best friend. I said to him, I can't think myself as a fictional character. I want to but I can't. He just said it is normal and I can't think it because I am real.

I don't know if I am using this place right. But is there a right way to use it? It is my website, so any way I use is the right way, I think. I love writing stuff, and sharing even if it interests nobody. But I think the fun part of writing is the writing itself. It makes me happy if someone likes what I write, but for like this diary thing, it doesn't matter.

That's all folks! Good morning, good evening or good night!

The very first entry! - 26.08.23 -

This is my first diary entry. I am trying to figure out a better system for this entries. Anyway, my school started last week. I won't be able to make many uptades here. I have a lot of homework to do but I enjoy spending my time here. I love this side of internet so much. Every website is unique. I love browsing them. So much creativity and joy. I wish I learned about all of that stuff sooner. But at least I know it now.

My english can be weird sometimes. It is not my first language and even though I am learning it since I was in elementary school, I still don't know many things. I think I am improving since I started reading books in English. The books I am reading are not literary stuff, mostly young adult fiction and queer romance novels. Still, reading in another language is good for learning, I think.

Tomorrow I am going to meet with my two bestfriends. One of them didn't speak with us for some months. Lately they started to speak with us again. They said they wanted to spend time with us in the last months but they couldn't because of their very very toxic girlfriend. I am happy that they come back. I wish they didn't have to go through that relationship. At least they broke up with her and they are better now.

I love writing diaries. I have finished 4 diaries before. I started the fifth one last week. I saw people writing diaries in their websites, so I wanted to give it a try.